Monday, January 31, 2011

2D Design, Verse 2


  • Proximity
    • I took this picture last year at Rutland's Loyalty Day Parade (whatever that means). I chose it for proximity because of the unity in the center of the picture with the large group of students. Notice the ones not bunched together, in particular the girl on the far left, does not seem to be part of the whole and stands out whereas the rest seem to belong together.
  • Repetition (emphasis on similarity)
    • I found this image in my personal files. Where it came from I don't remember. The image of the dragon has been duplicated and mirrored giving the image unity and balance.
  • Repetition (emphasis on variety)
    • This picture was also in my personal files. Don't remember where I found it originally, but I liked it and though it seems to fit the bill for both variety and similarity, I'm using it for variety. The skulls are are roughly the same size, shape and color, yet are also each distinctly different in expression and positioning. I could have also used this for proximity I suppose, but that would have been cheating :D
  • Continuation
    • This picture was taken by my girlfriend on our way back from Missouri earlier this year. I chose it for Continuation due to the way the lines on the road merge in the distance and become a continuation of that part of the horizon, and at the same time, the far left and right lines seem to want to continue into the mountain and tree lines.
  • The grid as organizing factor
    • This is another image that I don't remember where I found it or who the artist is. Although the grid is appears to be 1x3 at first glance, there is technically another row at the top of the image depicting the symbols of the zodiac, topping the "panes" if you will, each of which depicts a period of the life cycle.
  • An example of a chaotic, unreadable image
    • I found this image at (amazing I actually know where one came from!) and while it isn't totally unreadable, it's difficult to read due to the sheer number of subjects all thrown together in one image.
  • An example of a non-objective expression of unity
    • Yet another image without known origin (see a pattern? lol). I see a non-objective unity in this image due to the analogous color scheme, with a warm range of oranges and golds which ties the dragon and pentagram together better. Were the dragon or background non-analogous it would still be a cool image, but not quite as unified.
  • An example of a figurative expression of unity
    • I was sent this image in email a few years ago as a brain teaser of sorts. Although everything seems disjointed and chaotic, the individual parts of the image are all band names. I don't remember how many there are but it's a lot lol.

Friday, January 28, 2011

2D Design, Verse 1

Well here's my first post... it's not much and I'm not good at posting so bear with me lol.

An image that represents my ideal in 2D Design... not entirely sure what that means, but I'm probably over-thinking it lol. So this is what I came up with...